Ocasio Cortez On C Span

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Jan 10, 2021 January 10, 2021 Representatives Ocasio-Cortez and Kinzinger on the Attack on the U.S. Capitol and Trump President During appearances on ABC’s “This Week,” Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez questions Wells Fargo CEO Timothy Sloan during a House Financial Services Committee hearing.Full video here: https://cs.pn/2F6Dj93.

Eastern time on Thursday, C-SPAN sent out a tweet with New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's full remarks on the House floor regarding a confrontation with Florida. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s first speech on the House floor Wednesday quickly made C-SPAN history.

Clip Of House Session2020-11-20T12:25:44-05:00https://images.c-span.org/Files/c30/1605895760.jpgNew York Democratic Representative uses her Special Order speech on the House floor to call for action on COVID relief legislation to help those facing unemployment and eviction from their homes. She also blames Senate Republicans for inaction thus far.

New York Democratic Representative uses her Special Order speech on the House floor to call for action on COVID relief legislation to help those facing unemployment and eviction from their homes. She also blames Senate Republicans for inaction thus far.

Ocasio Cortez C Span

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  • Alexandria Ocasio-CortezFounderBrook Avenue Press

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  • U.S. House of RepresentativesU.S. House of Representatives


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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was the sole Democrat to vote against a $484 billion coronavirus relief package passed Thursday, a move that earned her progressive praise for being 'the conscience of the caucus right now.'

Alexandria Ocasio-cortez C Span

.@AOC is fighting with incredible courage and determination to deliver relief for millions of people going through hell right now amid so many excuses from Washington. #PutPeopleFirsthttps://t.co/sEOU41gJmF

— Justice Democrats (@justicedems) April 23, 2020

The legislation in question, known colloquially as COVID 3.5, easily passed the chamber in a 388 - 5 vote and is headed to President Donald Trump's desk. Ocasio Cortez said the measure failed to address the needs of working families and those most affected by the coronavirus crisis.

'My concern is that we are giving away the farm,' Ocasio-Cortez, whose New York district has been ravaged by the coronavirus, told reporters after the vote. 'I cannot go back to my communities and tell them to just wait for CARES four because we have now passed three, four pieces of legislation that's related to coronavirus. And every time it's the next one, the next one, the next one, and my constituents are dying.'

The youth-led Sunrise Movement welcomed Ocasio-Cortez's nay vote. 'We are so grateful for the unapologetic moral clarity and political courage of @AOC in this moment,' the group said on Twitter, adding, 'When will @HouseDemocrats use their leverage to fight for us?'

'This package is not enough,' Sunrise said. 'We need a #PeoplesBailout that will #PutPeopleFirst.'

Indivisible also praised the freshman lawmaker's vote. Echoing Ocasio-Cortez, Indivisible called the latest legislative package not a win but rather 'an abdication of Congress' responsibility to meet the moment that we're facing as a nation.'

So, for now, we'll wait until the next package for real relief. Like we waited the last time. And the last time.

This is why we joined with 21 progressive groups to send a letter to the House demanding that they take the #PeoplesAgendaPledge. Read it: https://t.co/LgdexuKYWS

Get our best delivered to your inbox.

— Indivisible Guide (@IndivisibleTeam) April 23, 2020

Ocasio Cortez On C Span D


First, keep people on payrolls. Stop mass layoffs and preserve employment relationships for all biz, including small biz. Ensure federal $ go to workers and small businesses, not enriching CEOs and Wall Street.

— Indivisible Guide (@IndivisibleTeam) April 23, 2020

Ocasio Cortez On C Span

Third, protect public health. Full health coverage for all COVID-19 care and protections for all frontline workers, including a mandatory OSHA standard.

— Indivisible Guide (@IndivisibleTeam) April 23, 2020

This is what people need right now -- and we expect our members of Congress to fight like hell for it. Period.

Demand your representative take the #PeoplesAgendaPledge here (and let us know how it goes -- we're tracking their responses). https://t.co/hL9buL2Vih

— Indivisible Guide (@IndivisibleTeam) April 23, 2020

Ahead of the vote, Ocasio-Cortez outlined her opposition to the measure in a floor speech.

'We have to fight to fund hospitals, fighting to fund testing. That is what we're fighting for in this bill,' she said. 'It is unconscionable. If you had urgency, you would legislate like rent was due on May 1 and make sure we include rent and mortgage relief for our constituents.'

Rent is due on May 1st and Republicans are fighting against rent and mortgage relief https://t.co/YJmQxpTdvr

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 23, 2020